Thursday, October 23, 2014


So here we are almost to the end of another month (October). The Carpenter song “We’ve only just begun “comes to mind, as today we celebrate our first full month of living in the motorhome fulltime! Woo Hoo! We are loving our new home along with our dog Max, who has adjusted quickly to his new surroundings. 

Max our”chug” Chihuahua/Pug

We had hoped to be on the road by now, but we are still stationary in our driveway as we work out some of the details of what we really need and what we don’t. We are no longer working, enabling us to both be focused on getting everything done, as we are running out of time before the winter weather sets in. The temps have already dipped down into the low 30’s.
 It has been a bit overwhelming trying to organize everything, such as arranging banking, mail service, and bill paying, for when we are on the road, also selling the items that remain, in this poor economy. BTW, Thanks to everyone who has helped out!

We have moved one step closer this month with the purchase of our enclosed trailer.  

Picture of our new trailer!
I have been working hard to set it up so that we can carry the motorcycle (Burgman scooter), electric bicycles, electric scooters, toolbox, chairs, and all the other items that will not fit in the RV(As we have no “basement storage” like the newer RV’s have). Margie has been doing a great job of organizing the inside of the RV, downsizing from a 1600 square foot house to under 300 is no easy task. She is making sure there is a place for everything and that everything is in its place, part of the “5S” (Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain) that I learned while working at Triangle Mfg.

So there it is, we are on our way, determined to make this dream a reality. Stay tuned as we move forward towards our “Imperial RVing Adventure”!
Thanks for stopping by!